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December 12, 1917: A Legendary Christian Charity Gets Its Start

1 min read

During the late 1910s, while ministering to the homeless of Omaha, Nebraska, Father Edward Joseph Flanagan became interested in young people and their struggle to grow into responsible, productive adults. He wanted to help them improve their lives and soon founded Boys Town on December 12, 1917, as an orphanage for boys.

A few years later, Father Flanagan purchased Overlook Farm on the outskirts of Omaha, which soon became known as the Village of Boys Town. He knew that children would thrive if given love, a home, and a purpose. His message that every child deserves a loving home and a chance to create a positive future for themselves is one that resonates across social boundaries.

Today, Boys Town is one of the largest nonprofits in the country serving underprivileged and at-risk children. Father Boes’s leadership at Boys Town is a tribute to Father Flanagan’s mission to build better communities by promoting stronger families. For over 100 years, Boys Town has worked tirelessly to nurture troubled children and heal broken families. Every year the organization helps more than 2 million children and families across the United States.

One of Boys Town’s key features is its family-centered approach to care. The organization focuses on creating a family-like atmosphere, where children live in small, family-style homes under the care of trained house parents. This approach emphasizes building strong relationships, instilling values, and fostering a sense of community, which plays a crucial role in the positive development of the youth in their care.

Boys Town is also renowned for its commitment to education. The organization operates its own school, where students receive individualized attention and support. The educational programs are designed to meet the unique needs of each child, ensuring that they have the tools and resources necessary for academic success. Boys Town recognizes that education is a key factor in breaking the cycle of poverty and providing opportunities for a brighter future.

In addition to residential and educational services, Boys Town offers a variety of outreach and prevention programs to support families and communities. The organization is dedicated to preventing child abuse, strengthening families, and promoting positive parenting skills. Boys Town’s impact extends beyond its physical location, reaching families and children across the nation through its national hotline, counseling services, and educational resources.

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