June 29, 1613: Shakespeare’s Jewel Burns Down

The Globe Theatre, an iconic symbol of the English Renaissance and intimately associated with William Shakespeare, experienced a devastating fire on June 29, 1613. This fire not only obliterated a physical landmark of Elizabethan theater but also marked a significant moment in the history…

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June 27, 1905: The ‘Potemkin’ Makes History

Hungry sailors are not to be trifled with. That’s what happened aboard the Russian battleship the Potemkin on June 27, 1905. Spoiled meat sparked a storm of rebellion that echoed across revolutionary-minded Russia.  The US Naval Institute helps contextualize things: “For a century before 1905, Imperial Russia was…

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June 26, 1945: The World Joins Together

On June 26, 1945, the world came together to create the United Nations, marking a pivotal moment in international diplomacy. In the auditorium of the Herbst Theater in San Francisco, delegates from 50 nations gathered together in hopes of creating an organization that would…

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June 25, 1950: War Begins In Korea

On June 25, 1950, North Korean forces crossed the 38th parallel in a coordinated and well-planned assault, sparking the Korean War. The invasion was a surprise, catching South Korean and American forces off guard. Within hours, the North Korean People’s Army (KPA) overwhelmed South…

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June 21, 1900: China Declares War

The Boxer Rebellion, also known as the Yihetuan Movement, was an anti-foreign, anti-colonial uprising in China between 1899 and 1901. This tumultuous period was marked by intense anti-imperialist sentiments among the Chinese population, which culminated in violent clashes and significant international intervention. The rebellion…

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