“Gone with the Wind,” one of the most iconic films in cinematic history, premiered on December 15, 1939, at Loew’s Grand Theatre in Atlanta, Georgia. The event was a grand spectacle, attended by numerous celebrities, dignitaries, and the film’s cast and crew. The premiere…
Read MoreOn October 20, 1947, the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) launched its infamous investigation into Communist infiltration of the Hollywood film industry, marking a pivotal moment in the early stages of the Cold War. This event became one of the most dramatic and controversial…
Read MoreOn September 15, 1954, one of the most iconic moments in film history was captured on the streets of New York City—Marilyn Monroe’s famous skirt-blowing scene from The Seven Year Itch. This scene, where Monroe’s white dress billows up as she stands over a…
Read MoreIf there are two things Americans love deeply, it’s cars and movies. On June 6, 1933, Richard Hollingshead opened the first official drive-in movie theater in Camden, New Jersey. Patrons paid a quarter to see the British comedy Wives Beware from the comfort of their automobiles. …
Read MoreOn January 15, 1947, the lifeless body of Elizabeth Short, a young aspiring actress, was discovered in a vacant lot in Los Angeles. The details surrounding her death were horrifying—Short’s body was severed at the waist, and her mouth was slashed, earning her the…
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