On March 23, 1933, the German Reichstag passed the Enabling Act (Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich), granting Adolf Hitler the authority to enact laws without parliamentary approval. Voted into law under immense political pressure and threats of violence, this moment…
Read MoreAugust 1, 1944, saw one of the largest urban uprisings of World War II. Since the beginning of the war and the joint Nazi-Soviet invasion of Poland in 1939, the Polish government had existed in exile in London. By the summer of 1944, with…
Read MoreOn July 28, 1935, a four-engine plane took a test flight from Boeing Field in south Seattle. When it rolled out of Boeing’s hangar, the company labeled it Model 299, but a newspaperman named Richard Smith dubbed the new bomber due to its many…
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